Kamis, 30 Agustus 2012

How to Make Fast hair long,


In general, the hair will grow quickly when it is in a healthy state. Here are tips that I summarized from the internet How to make hair long fast that you can do to keep hair healthy:1. If your hair is damaged or branched immediately trim the ends and cut the forked part, this is a start.2. It is advisable not to wash it every day because shampoo can reduce the natural oils produced by the hair that is useful to nourish the hair. Wash once a week, or once every three days. If your hair dirty faster then you can use a little conditioner every few days.3. Reduce the use of hair band or other accessories that will grip your hair, because hair band can cause hair breakage if every time you tie it, and this will memperhambat how to make hair long fast.4. Reduce the use of hair styling products as little as possible. For example gel, volumizer, serum, hairspray, etc., because it will make the hair clump so you need shampoo to clean it again.5. Reduce the use of hot tools such as blow dryers, hair pengikal, board or gas stove. Because when the gas stove that will burn your hair and become bald, will also memperhambat how to make hair long fast.6. Use protective hair during the day, the sun will damage and dry hair. Keep your hair becomes healthy as possible so it's easy to make a rapid hair long again / grow again.7. Use a hairbrush to massage the scalp every night and do the twist to the entire scalp for about 15 minutes. After that, comb your hair gently from the base of the hair to the ends. This will distribute the natural oils in the hair around the base of the hair until the end.8. Or more simply DO gunain wrote aloe vera, but not pet alligator tongue yach .. hehehe, but the leaves of the aloe vera that is mucus, mucus is rubbed on the scalp wrapped truz use 'hair wrapping, settling briefly approximately 3-4 hours of new deh in the wash. Use 2 weeks if not satisfied using chicken bile and dugosok on scalp.So basically it will be a long hair if hair is HEALTHY, so from now on for the girls who want to lengthen hair care needs in tuch her hair to stay healthy and beautiful eyes, and also that the people here tuch stuck like glue to our..hehehhe.

0k guys hopefully useful tips.

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